Eclats de vers : Opus : Musica : Template : Sextuor vocal
Table of Contents
1. Sextuor à cordes
Le résultat :
La source :
% vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2: \version "2.24.3" % included files {{{1 \include "global/" % ---- 3 beats bar, 2x4 hypermeasure \include "melody/" % header {{{1 \header { title = "string sextet" subtitle="subtitle" composer = "composer" poet = "poet" %piece = "piece" } % layout {{{1 \layout { %\enablePolymeter \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t) \context { \Score measureBarType = #"," %barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 8) barNumberVisibility = #(modulo-bar-number-visible 8 0) } \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves \consists "Merge_rests_engraver" } \context { \DrumStaff \RemoveAllEmptyStaves \consists "Merge_rests_engraver" } } % view only the beg/end {{{1 %showFirstLength = R2.*8 %showLastLength = R2.*8 % lyrics {{{1 % vocal soprano {{{2 lyricsVocalSoprano = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "S :" so -- pra -- no } % vocal mezzo {{{2 lyricsVocalMezzo = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "M :" mez -- zo } % vocal alto {{{2 lyricsVocalAlto = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "A :" al -- to } % vocal counter {{{2 lyricsVocalCounter = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "C :" coun -- ter } % vocal tenor {{{2 lyricsVocalTenor = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "T :" te -- nor } % vocal barytone {{{2 lyricsVocalBarytone = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "Y :" ba -- ry -- to -- ne } % vocal bass {{{2 lyricsVocalBass = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "B :" bass line } % choir quartet {{{2 % soprano {{{3 lyricsChoirQuartetSoprano = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "S :" so -- pra -- no } % alto {{{3 lyricsChoirQuartetAlto = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "A :" al -- to } % tenor {{{3 lyricsChoirQuartetTenor = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "T :" te -- nor } % bass {{{3 lyricsChoirQuartetBass = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "B :" bass line } % choir quintet {{{2 % soprano {{{3 lyricsChoirQuintetSoprano = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "S :" so -- pra -- no } % mezzo {{{3 lyricsChoirQuintetMezzo = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "M :" mez -- zo } % alto {{{3 lyricsChoirQuintetAlto = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "A :" al -- to } % tenor {{{3 lyricsChoirQuintetTenor = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "T :" te -- nor } % bass {{{3 lyricsChoirQuintetBass = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "B :" bass line } % choir sextet {{{2 % soprano {{{3 lyricsChoirSextetSoprano = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "S :" so -- pra -- no } % mezzo {{{3 lyricsChoirSextetMezzo = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "M :" mez -- zo } % alto {{{3 lyricsChoirSextetAlto = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "A :" al -- to } % tenor {{{3 lyricsChoirSextetTenor = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "T :" te -- nor } % barytone {{{3 lyricsChoirSextetBarytone = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "Y :" ba -- ry -- to -- ne } % bass {{{3 lyricsChoirSextetBass = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "B :" bass line } % choir septet {{{2 % soprano {{{3 lyricsChoirSeptetSoprano = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "S :" so -- pra -- no } % mezzo {{{3 lyricsChoirSeptetMezzo = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "M :" mez -- zo } % alto {{{3 lyricsChoirSeptetAlto = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "A :" al -- to } % counter {{{3 lyricsChoirSeptetCounter = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "C :" coun -- ter } % tenor {{{3 lyricsChoirSeptetTenor = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "T :" te -- nor } % barytone {{{3 lyricsChoirSeptetBarytone = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "Y :" ba -- ry -- to -- ne } % bass {{{3 lyricsChoirSeptetBass = \lyricmode { %\set vocalName = "B :" bass line } % voices {{{1 % voices, instruments, melodies, hands, feet % vocal {{{2 % soprano {{{3 voiceVocalSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % mezzo {{{3 voiceVocalMezzo = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{3 voiceVocalAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % counter {{{3 voiceVocalCounter = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{3 voiceVocalTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % barytone {{{3 voiceVocalBarytone = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{3 voiceVocalBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % choir quartet {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceChoirQuartetSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceChoirQuartetAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceChoirQuartetTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceChoirQuartetBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % choir quintet {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceChoirQuintetSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % mezzo {{{4 voiceChoirQuintetMezzo = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceChoirQuintetAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceChoirQuintetTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceChoirQuintetBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % choir sextet {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceChoirSextetSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % mezzo {{{4 voiceChoirSextetMezzo = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceChoirSextetAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceChoirSextetTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % barytone {{{4 voiceChoirSextetBarytone = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceChoirSextetBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % choir septet {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceChoirSeptetSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % mezzo {{{4 voiceChoirSeptetMezzo = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceChoirSeptetAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % counter {{{4 voiceChoirSeptetCounter = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceChoirSeptetTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % barytone {{{4 voiceChoirSeptetBarytone = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceChoirSeptetBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % woodwinds {{{2 % piccolos {{{3 % one {{{4 voicePiccoloOne = \relative c''' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voicePiccoloTwo = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % flutes {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceFluteOne = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceFluteTwo = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % oboes {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceOboeOne = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceOboeTwo = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % clarinets {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceClarinetOne = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceClarinetTwo = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % english horns {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceEnglishHornOne = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceEnglishHornTwo = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bassoons {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceBassoonOne = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceBassoonTwo = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % soprano saxophones {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceSopranoSaxophoneOne = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceSopranoSaxophoneTwo = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto saxophones {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceAltoSaxophoneOne = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceAltoSaxophoneTwo = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor saxophones {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceTenorSaxophoneOne = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceTenorSaxophoneTwo = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % barytone saxophones {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceBarytoneSaxophoneOne = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceBarytoneSaxophoneTwo = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bagpipe {{{3 voiceBagpipe = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % woodwind quartet {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceWoodwindQuartetSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceWoodwindQuartetAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceWoodwindQuartetTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceWoodwindQuartetBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % woodwind quintet {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceWoodwindQuintetSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % mezzo {{{4 voiceWoodwindQuintetMezzo = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceWoodwindQuintetAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceWoodwindQuintetTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceWoodwindQuintetBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % woodwind sextet {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceWoodwindSextetSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % mezzo {{{4 voiceWoodwindSextetMezzo = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceWoodwindSextetAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceWoodwindSextetTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % barytone {{{4 voiceWoodwindSextetBarytone = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceWoodwindSextetBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % saxophones quartet {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceSaxophoneQuartetSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceSaxophoneQuartetAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceSaxophoneQuartetTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceSaxophoneQuartetBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % brass {{{2 % trumpets {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceTrumpetOne = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceTrumpetTwo = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % french horns {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceFrenchHornOne = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceFrenchHornTwo = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % trombones {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceTromboneOne = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceTromboneTwo = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tubas {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceTubaOne = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceTubaTwo = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % brass quartet {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceBrassQuartetSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceBrassQuartetAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceBrassQuartetTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceBrassQuartetBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % brass quintet {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceBrassQuintetSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % mezzo {{{4 voiceBrassQuintetMezzo = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceBrassQuintetAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceBrassQuintetTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceBrassQuintetBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % free reeds {{{2 % harmonica {{{3 voiceHarmonica = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % wind keyboards {{{2 % manual organ {{{3 % right {{{4 voiceManualOrganRight = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % left {{{4 voiceManualOrganLeft = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % pedal organ {{{3 % right {{{4 voicePedalOrganRight = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % left {{{4 voicePedalOrganLeft = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % feet {{{4 voicePedalOrganFeet = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % accordion {{{3 % right {{{4 voiceAccordionRight = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % left {{{4 voiceAccordionLeft = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % concertina {{{3 % right {{{4 voiceConcertinaRight = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % left {{{4 voiceConcertinaLeft = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bowed strings {{{2 % violins {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceViolinOne = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceViolinTwo = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % violas {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceViolaOne = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceViolaTwo = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % cellos {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceCelloOne = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceCelloTwo = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % contrabasses {{{3 % one {{{4 voiceContrabassOne = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % two {{{4 voiceContrabassTwo = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % string quartet {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceStringQuartetSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceStringQuartetAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceStringQuartetTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceStringQuartetBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % string quartet, symmetric {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceStringQuartetSymmetricSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceStringQuartetSymmetricAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceStringQuartetSymmetricTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceStringQuartetSymmetricBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % string quartet with contrabass {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceStringQuartetContrabassSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceStringQuartetContrabassAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceStringQuartetContrabassTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceStringQuartetContrabassBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % string quintet {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceStringQuintetSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % mezzo {{{4 voiceStringQuintetMezzo = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceStringQuintetAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceStringQuintetTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceStringQuintetBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % string quintet, symmetric {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceStringQuintetSymmetricSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % mezzo {{{4 voiceStringQuintetSymmetricMezzo = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceStringQuintetSymmetricAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceStringQuintetSymmetricTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceStringQuintetSymmetricBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % string quintet with contrabass {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceStringQuintetContrabassSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % mezzo {{{4 voiceStringQuintetContrabassMezzo = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceStringQuintetContrabassAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceStringQuintetContrabassTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceStringQuintetContrabassBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % string sextet {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceStringSextetSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % mezzo {{{4 voiceStringSextetMezzo = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceStringSextetAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceStringSextetTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % barytone {{{4 voiceStringSextetBarytone = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceStringSextetBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % string septet {{{3 % soprano {{{4 voiceStringSeptetSoprano = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % mezzo {{{4 voiceStringSeptetMezzo = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % alto {{{4 voiceStringSeptetAlto = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % counter {{{4 voiceStringSeptetCounter = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tenor {{{4 voiceStringSeptetTenor = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % barytone {{{4 voiceStringSeptetBarytone = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass {{{4 voiceStringSeptetBass = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % plucked strings {{{2 % lute {{{3 voiceLute = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % archlute {{{3 voiceArchlute = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % theorbo {{{3 voiceTheorbo = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % guitar {{{3 voiceGuitar = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % bass guitar {{{3 voiceBassGuitar = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % sitar {{{3 voiceSitar = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % harp {{{3 % upper {{{4 voiceHarpUpper = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % lower {{{4 voiceHarpLower = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % hammered strings {{{2 % dulcimer {{{3 voiceDulcimer = \relative c' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % string keyboards {{{2 % viola organista {{{3 % right {{{4 voiceViolaOrganistaRight = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % left {{{4 voiceViolaOrganistaLeft = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % harpsichord {{{3 % right {{{4 voiceHarpsichordRight = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % left {{{4 voiceHarpsichordLeft = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % pedal harpsichord {{{3 % right {{{4 voicePedalHarpsichordRight = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % left {{{4 voicePedalHarpsichordLeft = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % feet {{{4 voicePedalHarpsichordFeet = \relative c, { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % clavichord {{{3 % right {{{4 voiceClavichordRight = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % left {{{4 voiceClavichordLeft = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % piano {{{3 % right {{{4 voicePianoRight = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % left {{{4 voicePianoLeft = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % drums {{{2 % glockenspiel {{{3 voiceGlockenspiel = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % vibraphone {{{3 % right {{{4 voiceVibraphoneRight = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % left {{{4 voiceVibraphoneLeft = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % marimba {{{3 % right {{{4 voiceMarimbaRight = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % left {{{4 voiceMarimbaLeft = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % tubular bells {{{3 % manual {{{4 voiceTubularBellsManual = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % pedal {{{4 voiceTubularBellsPedal = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % drumkit {{{3 voiceDrumkit = { \keytimetempo \anacrusisDrumkit % 0 } % drums keyboards {{{2 % celesta {{{3 % right {{{4 voiceCelestaRight = \relative c'' { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % left {{{4 voiceCelestaLeft = \relative c { \keytimetempo \anacrusis % intro } % staves {{{1 % vocal {{{2 % soprano {{{3 staffVocalSoprano = \new Staff = "staffVocalSoprano" \with { instrumentName = "soprano" shortInstrumentName = "sop" midiInstrument = "voice oohs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceVocalSoprano" { \voiceVocalSoprano } } staffLyricsVocalSoprano = << \staffVocalSoprano \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffVocalSoprano" } \lyricsto "voiceVocalSoprano" \lyricsVocalSoprano >> % mezzo {{{3 staffVocalMezzo = \new Staff = "staffVocalMezzo" \with { instrumentName = "mezzo" shortInstrumentName = "mez" midiInstrument = "voice oohs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceVocalMezzo" { \voiceVocalMezzo } } staffLyricsVocalMezzo = << \staffVocalMezzo \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffVocalMezzo" } \lyricsto "voiceVocalMezzo" \lyricsVocalMezzo >> % alto {{{3 staffVocalAlto = \new Staff = "staffVocalAlto" \with { instrumentName = "alto" shortInstrumentName = "alt" midiInstrument = "voice oohs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef alto \new Voice = "voiceVocalAlto" { \voiceVocalAlto } } staffLyricsVocalAlto = << \staffVocalAlto \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffVocalAlto" } \lyricsto "voiceVocalAlto" \lyricsVocalAlto >> % counter {{{3 staffVocalCounter = \new Staff = "staffVocalCounter" \with { instrumentName = "counter" shortInstrumentName = "cnt" midiInstrument = "voice oohs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef alto \new Voice = "voiceVocalCounter" { \voiceVocalCounter } } staffLyricsVocalCounter = << \staffVocalCounter \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffVocalCounter" } \lyricsto "voiceVocalCounter" \lyricsVocalCounter >> % tenor {{{3 staffVocalTenor = \new Staff = "staffVocalTenor" \with { instrumentName = "tenor" shortInstrumentName = "ten" midiInstrument = "voice oohs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceVocalTenor" { \voiceVocalTenor } } staffLyricsVocalTenor = << \staffVocalTenor \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffVocalTenor" } \lyricsto "voiceVocalTenor" \lyricsVocalTenor >> % barytone {{{3 staffVocalBarytone = \new Staff = "staffVocalBarytone" \with { instrumentName = "barytone" shortInstrumentName = "bar" midiInstrument = "voice oohs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceVocalBarytone" { \voiceVocalBarytone } } staffLyricsVocalBarytone = << \staffVocalBarytone \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffVocalBarytone" } \lyricsto "voiceVocalBarytone" \lyricsVocalBarytone >> % bass {{{3 staffVocalBass = \new Staff = "staffVocalBass" \with { instrumentName = "bass" shortInstrumentName = "bas" midiInstrument = "voice oohs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef subbass \new Voice = "voiceVocalBass" { \voiceVocalBass } } staffLyricsVocalBass = << \staffVocalBass \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffVocalBass" } \lyricsto "voiceVocalBass" \lyricsVocalBass >> % choir quartet {{{3 % soprano & alto {{{4 staffChoirQuartetUpper = \new Staff = "staffChoirQuartetUpper" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { soprano alto } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { sop alt } } midiInstrument = "choir aahs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceChoirQuartetSoprano" { \voiceOne \voiceChoirQuartetSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceChoirQuartetAlto" { \voiceTwo \voiceChoirQuartetAlto } >> % tenor & bass {{{4 staffChoirQuartetLower = \new Staff = "staffChoirQuartetLower" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { tenor bass } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { ten bas } } midiInstrument = "choir aahs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef varbaritone \new Voice = "voiceChoirQuartetTenor" { \voiceOne \voiceChoirQuartetTenor } \new Voice = "voiceChoirQuartetBass" { \voiceTwo \voiceChoirQuartetBass } >> % choir quintet {{{3 % soprano & mezzo {{{4 staffChoirQuintetUpper = \new Staff = "staffChoirQuintetUpper" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { soprano mezzo } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { sop mez } } midiInstrument = "choir aahs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceChoirQuintetSoprano" { \voiceOne \voiceChoirQuintetSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceChoirQuintetMezzo" { \voiceTwo \voiceChoirQuintetMezzo } >> % alto {{{4 staffChoirQuintetMiddle = \new Staff = "staffChoirQuintetMiddle" \with { instrumentName = "alto" shortInstrumentName = "alt" midiInstrument = "choir aahs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef alto \new Voice = "voiceChoirQuintetAlto" \voiceChoirQuintetAlto } % tenor & bass {{{4 staffChoirQuintetLower = \new Staff = "staffChoirQuintetLower" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { tenor bass } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { ten bas } } midiInstrument = "choir aahs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef varbaritone \new Voice = "voiceChoirQuintetTenor" { \voiceOne \voiceChoirQuintetTenor } \new Voice = "voiceChoirQuintetBass" { \voiceTwo \voiceChoirQuintetBass } >> % choir sextet {{{3 % soprano & mezzo {{{4 staffChoirSextetUpper = \new Staff = "staffChoirSextetUpper" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { soprano mezzo } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { sop mez } } midiInstrument = "choir aahs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceChoirSextetSoprano" { \voiceOne \voiceChoirSextetSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceChoirSextetMezzo" { \voiceTwo \voiceChoirSextetMezzo } >> % alto & tenor {{{4 staffChoirSextetMiddle = \new Staff = "staffChoirSextetMiddle" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { alto tenor } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { alt ten } } midiInstrument = "choir aahs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef alto \new Voice = "voiceChoirSextetAlto" { \voiceOne \voiceChoirSextetAlto } \new Voice = "voiceChoirSextetTenor" { \voiceTwo \voiceChoirSextetTenor } >> % barytone & bass {{{4 staffChoirSextetLower = \new Staff = "staffChoirSextetLower" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { barytone bass } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { bar bas } } midiInstrument = "choir aahs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef varbaritone \new Voice = "voiceChoirSextetBarytone" { \voiceOne \voiceChoirSextetBarytone } \new Voice = "voiceChoirSextetBass" { \voiceTwo \voiceChoirSextetBass } >> % choir septet {{{3 % soprano & mezzo {{{4 staffChoirSeptetSopranoMezzo = \new Staff = "staffChoirSeptetSopranoMezzo" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { soprano mezzo } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { sop mez } } midiInstrument = "choir aahs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceChoirSeptetSoprano" { \voiceOne \voiceChoirSeptetSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceChoirSeptetMezzo" { \voiceTwo \voiceChoirSeptetMezzo } >> % alto & counter {{{4 staffChoirSeptetAltoCounter = \new Staff = "staffChoirSeptetAltoCounter" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { alto counter } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { alt cnt } } midiInstrument = "choir aahs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef alto \new Voice = "voiceChoirSeptetAlto" { \voiceOne \voiceChoirSeptetAlto } \new Voice = "voiceChoirSeptetCounter" { \voiceTwo \voiceChoirSeptetCounter } >> % tenor & barytone {{{4 staffChoirSeptetTenorBarytone = \new Staff = "staffChoirSeptetTenorBarytone" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { tenor barytone } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { ten bar } } midiInstrument = "choir aahs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef varbaritone \new Voice = "voiceChoirSeptetTenor" { \voiceOne \voiceChoirSeptetTenor } \new Voice = "voiceChoirSeptetBarytone" { \voiceTwo \voiceChoirSeptetBarytone } >> % bass {{{4 staffChoirSeptetBass = \new Staff = "staffChoirSeptetBass" \with { instrumentName = "bass" shortInstrumentName = "bas" midiInstrument = "choir aahs" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceChoirSeptetBass" \voiceChoirSeptetBass } % woodwinds {{{2 % piccolos {{{3 staffPiccolos = \new Staff = "staffPiccolos" \with { instrumentName = "piccolos" shortInstrumentName = "pc" midiInstrument = "piccolo" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef "treble^8" \new Voice = "voicePiccoloOne" { \voiceOne \voicePiccoloOne } \new Voice = "voicePiccoloTwo" { \voiceTwo \voicePiccoloTwo } >> % flutes {{{3 staffFlutes = \new Staff = "staffFlutes" \with { instrumentName = "flutes" shortInstrumentName = "fl" midiInstrument = "flute" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef french \new Voice = "voiceFluteOne" { \voiceOne \voiceFluteOne } \new Voice = "voiceFluteTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceFluteTwo } >> % oboes {{{3 staffOboes = \new Staff = "staffOboes" \with { instrumentName = "oboes" shortInstrumentName = "ob" midiInstrument = "oboe" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceOboeOne" { \voiceOne \voiceOboeOne } \new Voice = "voiceOboeTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceOboeTwo } >> % clarinets {{{3 staffClarinets = \new Staff = "staffClarinets" \with { instrumentName = "clarinets" shortInstrumentName = "cl" midiInstrument = "clarinet" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef "tenor^8" \new Voice = "voiceClarinetOne" { \voiceOne \voiceClarinetOne } \new Voice = "voiceClarinetTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceClarinetTwo } >> % english horns {{{3 staffEnglishHorns = \new Staff = "staffEnglishHorns" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { english horns } } shortInstrumentName = "enhn" midiInstrument = "english horn" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef mezzosoprano \new Voice = "voiceEnglishHornOne" { \voiceOne \voiceEnglishHornOne } \new Voice = "voiceEnglishHornTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceEnglishHornTwo } >> % bassoons {{{3 staffBassoons = \new Staff = "staffBassoons" \with { instrumentName = "bassoons" shortInstrumentName = "bn" midiInstrument = "bassoon" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceBassoonOne" { \voiceOne \voiceBassoonOne } \new Voice = "voiceBassoonTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceBassoonTwo } >> % soprano saxophones {{{3 staffSopranoSaxophones = \new Staff = "staffSopranoSaxophones" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { soprano sax } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { sop sax } } midiInstrument = "soprano sax" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceSopranoSaxophoneOne" { \voiceOne \voiceSopranoSaxophoneOne } \new Voice = "voiceSopranoSaxophoneTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceSopranoSaxophoneTwo } >> % alto saxophones {{{3 staffAltoSaxophones = \new Staff = "staffAltoSaxophones" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { alto sax } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { alt sax } } midiInstrument = "alto sax" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef alto \new Voice = "voiceAltoSaxophoneOne" { \voiceOne \voiceAltoSaxophoneOne } \new Voice = "voiceAltoSaxophoneTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceAltoSaxophoneTwo } >> % tenor saxophones {{{3 staffTenorSaxophones = \new Staff = "staffTenorSaxophones" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { tenor sax } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { ten sax } } midiInstrument = "tenor sax" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef tenor \new Voice = "voiceTenorSaxophoneOne" { \voiceOne \voiceTenorSaxophoneOne } \new Voice = "voiceTenorSaxophoneTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceTenorSaxophoneTwo } >> % barytone saxophones {{{3 staffBarytoneSaxophones = \new Staff = "staffBarytoneSaxophones" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { barytone sax } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { bar sax } } midiInstrument = "baritone sax" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceBarytoneSaxophoneOne" { \voiceOne \voiceBarytoneSaxophoneOne } \new Voice = "voiceBarytoneSaxophoneTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceBarytoneSaxophoneTwo } >> % bagpipe {{{3 staffBagpipe = \new Staff = "staffBagpipe" \with { instrumentName = "bagpipe" shortInstrumentName = "bag" midiInstrument = "bagpipe" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \voiceBagpipe } % woodwind quartet {{{3 % upper {{{4 staffWoodwindQuartetUpper = \new Staff = "staffWoodwindQuartetUpper" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { flute oboe } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { fl ob } } } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceWoodwindQuartetSoprano" \with { midiInstrument = "flute" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceOne \voiceWoodwindQuartetSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceWoodwindQuartetAlto" \with { midiInstrument = "oboe" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceTwo \voiceWoodwindQuartetAlto } >> % lower {{{4 staffWoodwindQuartetLower = \new Staff = "staffWoodwindQuartetLower" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { clarinet bassoon } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { cl bn } } } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceWoodwindQuartetTenor" \with { midiInstrument = "clarinet" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceOne \voiceWoodwindQuartetTenor } \new Voice = "voiceWoodwindQuartetBass" \with { midiInstrument = "bassoon" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceTwo \voiceWoodwindQuartetBass } >> % woodwind quintet {{{3 % upper {{{4 staffWoodwindQuintetUpper = \new Staff = "staffWoodwindQuintetUpper" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { flute oboe } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { fl ob } } } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceWoodwindQuintetSoprano" \with { midiInstrument = "flute" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceOne \voiceWoodwindQuintetSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceWoodwindQuintetMezzo" \with { midiInstrument = "oboe" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceTwo \voiceWoodwindQuintetMezzo } >> % middle {{{4 staffWoodwindQuintetMiddle = \new Staff = "staffWoodwindQuintetMiddle" \with { instrumentName = "clarinet" shortInstrumentName = "cl" midiInstrument = "clarinet" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef alto \voiceWoodwindQuintetAlto } % lower {{{4 staffWoodwindQuintetLower = \new Staff = "staffWoodwindQuintetLower" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { eng-horn bassoon } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { enhn bn } } } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceWoodwindQuintetTenor" \with { midiInstrument = "english horn" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceOne \voiceWoodwindQuintetTenor } \new Voice = "voiceWoodwindQuintetBass" \with { midiInstrument = "bassoon" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceTwo \voiceWoodwindQuintetBass } >> % woodwind sextet {{{3 % upper {{{4 staffWoodwindSextetUpper = \new Staff = "staffWoodwindSextetUpper" \with { instrumentName = "flutes" shortInstrumentName = "fl" } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceWoodwindSextetSoprano" \with { midiInstrument = "flute" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceOne \voiceWoodwindSextetSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceWoodwindSextetMezzo" \with { midiInstrument = "flute" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceTwo \voiceWoodwindSextetMezzo } >> % middle {{{4 staffWoodwindSextetMiddle = \new Staff = "staffWoodwindSextetMiddle" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { oboe clarinet } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { ob cl } } } << \clef alto \new Voice = "voiceWoodwindSextetAlto" \with { midiInstrument = "oboe" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceOne \voiceWoodwindSextetAlto } \new Voice ="woodwindsextetTenor" \with { midiInstrument = "clarinet" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceTwo \voiceWoodwindSextetTenor } >> % lower {{{4 staffWoodwindSextetLower = \new Staff = "staffWoodwindSextetLower" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { eng-horn bassoon } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { enhn bn } } } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceWoodwindSextetBarytone" \with { midiInstrument = "english horn" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceOne \voiceWoodwindSextetBarytone } \new Voice = "voiceWoodwindSextetBass" \with { midiInstrument = "bassoon" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceTwo \voiceWoodwindSextetBass } >> % saxophone quartet {{{3 % upper {{{4 staffSaxophoneQuartetUpper = \new Staff = "staffSaxophoneUpper" \with { midiInstrument = "soprano sax" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceSaxophoneQuartetSoprano" { \voiceOne \voiceSaxophoneQuartetSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceSaxophoneQuartetAlto" { \voiceTwo \voiceSaxophoneQuartetAlto } >> % lower {{{4 staffSaxophoneQuartetLower = \new Staff = "staffSaxophoneLower" \with { midiInstrument = "tenor sax" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceSaxophoneQuartetTenor" { \voiceOne \voiceSaxophoneQuartetTenor } \new Voice = "voiceSaxophoneQuartetBass" { \voiceTwo \voiceSaxophoneQuartetBass } >> % brass {{{2 % trumpets {{{3 staffTrumpets = \new Staff = "staffTrumpets" \with { instrumentName = "trumpets" shortInstrumentName = "tpt" midiInstrument = "trumpet" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef "tenor^8" \new Voice = "voiceTrumpetOne" { \voiceOne \voiceTrumpetOne } \new Voice = "voiceTrumpetTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceTrumpetTwo } >> % french horns {{{3 staffFrenchHorns = \new Staff = "staffFrenchHorns" \with { instrumentName = \markup \column { french horns } shortInstrumentName = "hn" midiInstrument = "french horn" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef mezzosoprano \new Voice = "voiceFrenchHornOne" { \voiceOne \voiceFrenchHornOne } \new Voice = "voiceFrenchHornTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceFrenchHornTwo } >> % trombones {{{3 staffTrombones = \new Staff = "staffTrombones" \with { instrumentName = "trombones" shortInstrumentName = "tbn" midiInstrument = "trombone" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceTromboneOne" { \voiceOne \voiceTromboneOne } \new Voice = "voiceTromboneTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceTromboneTwo } >> % tubas {{{3 staffTubas = \new Staff = "staffTubas" \with { instrumentName = "tubas" shortInstrumentName = "tba" midiInstrument = "tuba" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceTubaOne" { \voiceOne \voiceTubaOne } \new Voice = "voiceTubaTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceTubaTwo } >> % brass quartet {{{3 % upper {{{4 staffBrassQuartetUpper = \new Staff = "staffBrassQuartetUpper" \with { instrumentName = "trumpets" shortInstrumentName = "tpt" midiInstrument = "trumpet" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceBrassQuartetSoprano" { \voiceOne \voiceBrassQuartetSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceBrassQuartetAlto" { \voiceTwo \voiceBrassQuartetAlto } >> % lower {{{4 staffBrassQuartetLower = \new Staff = "staffBrassQuartetLower" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { fr-horn trombone } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { hn tbn } } } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceBrassQuartetTenor" \with { midiInstrument = "french horn" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceOne \voiceBrassQuartetTenor } \new Voice = "voiceBrassQuartetBass" \with { midiInstrument = "trombone" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceTwo \voiceBrassQuartetBass } >> % brass quintet {{{3 % upper {{{4 staffBrassQuintetUpper = \new Staff = "staffBrassQuintetUpper" \with { instrumentName = "trumpets" shortInstrumentName = "tpt" midiInstrument = "trumpet" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceBrassQuintetSoprano" { \voiceOne \voiceBrassQuintetSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceBrassQuintetMezzo" { \voiceTwo \voiceBrassQuintetMezzo } >> % middle {{{4 staffBrassQuintetMiddle = \new Staff = "staffBrassQuintetMiddle" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { french horn } } shortInstrumentName = "hn" midiInstrument = "french horn" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef alto \voiceBrassQuintetAlto } % lower {{{4 staffBrassQuintetLower = \new Staff = "staffBrassQuintetLower" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { trombone tuba } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { tbn tba } } } << \clef bass \new Voice ="brassQuintetTenor" \with { midiInstrument = "trombone" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceOne \voiceBrassQuintetTenor } \new Voice = "voiceBrassQuintetBass" \with { midiInstrument = "tuba" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceTwo \voiceBrassQuintetBass } >> % free reeds {{{2 % harmonica {{{3 staffHarmonica = \new Staff = "staffHarmonica" \with { instrumentName = "harmonica" shortInstrumentName = "hca" midiInstrument = "harmonica" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef alto \voiceHarmonica } % wind keyboards {{{2 % manual organ {{{3 % right {{{4 staffManualOrganRight = \new Staff = "staffManualOrganRight" \with { midiInstrument = "reed organ" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \voiceManualOrganRight } % left {{{4 staffManualOrganLeft = \new Staff = "staffManualOrganLeft" \with { midiInstrument = "reed organ" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass \voiceManualOrganLeft } % pedal organ {{{3 % right {{{4 staffPedalOrganRight = \new Staff = "staffPedalOrganRight" \with { midiInstrument = "reed organ" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \voicePedalOrganRight } % left {{{4 staffPedalOrganLeft = \new Staff = "staffPedalOrganLeft" \with { midiInstrument = "reed organ" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef alto %\clef bass \voicePedalOrganLeft } % feet {{{4 staffPedalOrganFeet = \new Staff = "staffPedalOrganFeet" \with { midiInstrument = "reed organ" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass %\clef subbass \voicePedalOrganFeet } % accordion {{{3 % right {{{4 staffAccordionRight = \new Staff = "staffAccordionRight" \with { midiInstrument = "accordion" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \voiceAccordionRight } % left {{{4 staffAccordionLeft = \new Staff = "staffAccordionLeft" \with { midiInstrument = "accordion" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass \voiceAccordionLeft } % concertina {{{3 % right {{{4 staffConcertinaRight = \new Staff = "staffConcertinaRight" \with { midiInstrument = "concertina" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \voiceConcertinaRight } % left {{{4 staffConcertinaLeft = \new Staff = "staffConcertinaLeft" \with { midiInstrument = "concertina" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass \voiceConcertinaLeft } % bowed strings {{{2 % violins {{{3 staffViolins = \new Staff = "staffViolins" \with { instrumentName = "violins" shortInstrumentName = "vn" midiInstrument = "violin" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceViolinOne" { \voiceOne \voiceViolinOne } \new Voice = "voiceViolinTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceViolinTwo } >> % violas {{{3 staffViolas = \new Staff = "staffViolas" \with { instrumentName = "violas" shortInstrumentName = "va" midiInstrument = "viola" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef alto \new Voice = "voiceViolaOne" { \voiceOne \voiceViolaOne } \new Voice = "voiceViolaTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceViolaTwo } >> % cellos {{{3 staffCellos = \new Staff = "staffCellos" \with { instrumentName = "cellos" shortInstrumentName = "vc" midiInstrument = "cello" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceCelloOne" { \voiceOne \voiceCelloOne } \new Voice = "voiceCelloTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceCelloTwo } >> % contrabasses {{{3 staffContrabasses = \new Staff = "staffContrabasses" \with { instrumentName = \markup \column { contra- basses } shortInstrumentName = "cb" midiInstrument = "contrabass" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef subbass \new Voice = "voiceContrabassOne" { \voiceOne \voiceContrabassOne } \new Voice = "voiceContrabassTwo" { \voiceTwo \voiceContrabassTwo } >> % string quartet {{{3 % upper {{{4 staffStringQuartetUpper = \new Staff = "staffStringQuartetUpper" \with { instrumentName = "violins" shortInstrumentName = "vn" midiInstrument = "violin" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceStringQuartetSoprano" { \voiceOne \voiceStringQuartetSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceStringQuartetAlto" { \voiceTwo \voiceStringQuartetAlto } >> % lower {{{4 staffStringQuartetLower = \new Staff = "staffStringQuartetLower" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { viola cello } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { va vc } } } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceStringQuartetTenor" \with { midiInstrument = "viola" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceOne \voiceStringQuartetTenor } \new Voice = "voiceStringQuartetBass" \with { midiInstrument = "cello" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceTwo \voiceStringQuartetBass } >> % string quartet, symmetric {{{3 % upper {{{4 staffStringQuartetSymmetricUpper = \new Staff = "staffStringQuartetSymmetricUpper" \with { instrumentName = "violins" shortInstrumentName = "vn" midiInstrument = "violin" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceStringQuartetSymmetricSoprano" { \voiceOne \voiceStringQuartetSymmetricSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceStringQuartetSymmetricAlto" { \voiceTwo \voiceStringQuartetSymmetricAlto } >> % lower {{{4 staffStringQuartetSymmetricLower = \new Staff = "staffStringQuartetSymmetricLower" \with { instrumentName = "cellos" shortInstrumentName = "vc" midiInstrument = "cello" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceStringQuartetSymmetricTenor" { \voiceOne \voiceStringQuartetSymmetricTenor } \new Voice = "voiceStringQuartetSymmetricBass" { \voiceTwo \voiceStringQuartetSymmetricBass } >> % string quartet with contrabass {{{3 % upper {{{4 staffStringQuartetContrabassUpper = \new Staff = "staffStringQuartetContrabassUpper" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { violin viola } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { vn va } } } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceStringQuartetContrabassSoprano" \with { midiInstrument = "violin" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceOne \voiceStringQuartetContrabassSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceStringQuartetContrabassAlto" \with { midiInstrument = "viola" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceTwo \voiceStringQuartetContrabassAlto } >> % lower {{{4 staffStringQuartetContrabassLower = \new Staff = "staffStringQuartetContrabassLower" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { cello contrabass } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { vc cb } } } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceStringQuartetContrabassTenor" \with { midiInstrument = "cello" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceOne \voiceStringQuartetContrabassTenor } \new Voice = "voiceStringQuartetContrabassBass" \with { midiInstrument = "contrabass" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceTwo \voiceStringQuartetContrabassBass } >> % string quintet {{{3 % upper {{{4 staffStringQuintetUpper = \new Staff = "staffStringQuintetUpper" \with { instrumentName = "violins" shortInstrumentName = "vn" midiInstrument = "violin" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceStringQuintetSoprano" { \voiceOne \voiceStringQuintetSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceStringQuintetMezzo" { \voiceTwo \voiceStringQuintetMezzo } >> % middle {{{4 staffStringQuintetMiddle = \new Staff = "staffStringQuintetMiddle" \with { instrumentName = "violas" shortInstrumentName = "va" midiInstrument = "viola" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef alto \new Voice = "voiceStringQuintetAlto" { \voiceOne \voiceStringQuintetAlto } \new Voice = "voiceStringQuintetTenor" { \voiceTwo \voiceStringQuintetTenor } >> % lower {{{4 staffStringQuintetLower = \new Staff = "staffStringQuintetLower" \with { instrumentName = "cello" shortInstrumentName = "vc" midiInstrument = "cello" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass \voiceStringQuintetBass } % string quintet, symmetric {{{3 % upper {{{4 staffStringQuintetSymmetricUpper = \new Staff = "staffStringQuintetSymmetricUpper" \with { instrumentName = "violins" shortInstrumentName = "vn" midiInstrument = "violin" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceStringQuintetSymmetricSoprano" { \voiceOne \voiceStringQuintetSymmetricSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceStringQuintetSymmetricMezzo" { \voiceTwo \voiceStringQuintetSymmetricMezzo } >> % middle {{{4 staffStringQuintetSymmetricMiddle = \new Staff = "staffStringQuintetSymmetricMiddle" \with { instrumentName = "viola" shortInstrumentName = "va" midiInstrument = "viola" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef alto \voiceStringQuintetSymmetricAlto } % lower {{{4 staffStringQuintetSymmetricLower = \new Staff = "staffStringQuintetSymmetricLower" \with { instrumentName = "cellos" shortInstrumentName = "vc" midiInstrument = "cello" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceStringQuintetSymmetricTenor" { \voiceOne \voiceStringQuintetSymmetricTenor } \new Voice = "voiceStringQuintetSymmetricBass" { \voiceTwo \voiceStringQuintetSymmetricBass } >> % string quintet with contrabass {{{3 % upper {{{4 staffStringQuintetContrabassUpper = \new Staff = "staffStringQuintetContrabassUpper" \with { instrumentName = "violins" shortInstrumentName = "vn" midiInstrument = "violin" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceStringQuintetContrabassSoprano" { \voiceOne \voiceStringQuintetContrabassSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceStringQuintetContrabassMezzo" { \voiceTwo \voiceStringQuintetContrabassMezzo } >> % middle {{{4 staffStringQuintetContrabassMiddle = \new Staff = "staffStringQuintetContrabassMiddle" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { viola cello } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { va vc } } } << \clef alto \new Voice = "voiceStringQuintetContrabassAlto" \with { midiInstrument = "viola" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceOne \voiceStringQuintetContrabassAlto } \new Voice = "voiceStringQuintetContrabassTenor" \with { midiInstrument = "cello" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \voiceTwo \voiceStringQuintetContrabassTenor } >> % lower {{{4 staffStringQuintetContrabassLower = \new Staff = "staffStringQuintetContrabassLower" \with { instrumentName = \markup \column { contra- bass } shortInstrumentName = "cb" midiInstrument = "contrabass" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass \voiceStringQuintetContrabassBass } % string sextet {{{3 % upper {{{4 staffStringSextetUpper = \new Staff = "staffStringSextetUpper" \with { instrumentName = "violins" shortInstrumentName = "vn" midiInstrument = "violin" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceStringSextetSoprano" { \voiceOne \voiceStringSextetSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceStringSextetMezzo" { \voiceTwo \voiceStringSextetMezzo } >> % middle {{{4 staffStringSextetMiddle = \new Staff = "staffStringSextetMiddle" \with { instrumentName = "violas" shortInstrumentName = "va" midiInstrument = "viola" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef alto \new Voice = "voiceStringSextetAlto" { \voiceOne \voiceStringSextetAlto } \new Voice = "voiceStringSextetTenor" { \voiceTwo \voiceStringSextetTenor } >> % lower {{{4 staffStringSextetLower = \new Staff = "staffStringSextetLower" \with { instrumentName = "cellos" shortInstrumentName = "vc" midiInstrument = "cello" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceStringSextetBarytone" { \voiceOne \voiceStringSextetBarytone } \new Voice = "voiceStringSextetBass" { \voiceTwo \voiceStringSextetBass } >> % string septet {{{3 % violin {{{4 staffStringSeptetViolins = \new Staff = "staffStringSeptetViolins" \with { instrumentName = "violins" shortInstrumentName = "vn" midiInstrument = "violin" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef treble \new Voice = "voiceStringSeptetSoprano" { \voiceOne \voiceStringSeptetSoprano } \new Voice = "voiceStringSeptetMezzo" { \voiceTwo \voiceStringSeptetMezzo } >> % viola {{{4 staffStringSeptetViolas = \new Staff = "staffStringSeptetViolas" \with { instrumentName = "violas" shortInstrumentName = "va" midiInstrument = "viola" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef alto \new Voice = "voiceStringSeptetAlto" { \voiceOne \voiceStringSeptetAlto } \new Voice = "voiceStringSeptetCounter" { \voiceTwo \voiceStringSeptetCounter } >> % cello {{{4 staffStringSeptetCellos = \new Staff = "staffStringSeptetCellos" \with { instrumentName = "cellos" shortInstrumentName = "vc" midiInstrument = "cello" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } << \clef bass \new Voice = "voiceStringSeptetTenor" { \voiceOne \voiceStringSeptetTenor } \new Voice = "voiceStringSeptetBarytone" { \voiceTwo \voiceStringSeptetBarytone } >> % contrabass {{{4 staffStringSeptetContrabass = \new Staff = "staffStringSeptetContrabass" \with { instrumentName = \markup \column { contra- bass } shortInstrumentName = "cb" midiInstrument = "contrabass" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef subbass \voiceStringSeptetBass } % plucked strings {{{2 % lute {{{3 staffLute = \new Staff = "staffLute" \with { instrumentName = "lute" shortInstrumentName = "lt" midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 % 3rd line G clef %clefGlyph = #"clefs.G" %clefPosition = #0 %clefTransposition = #0 %middleCPosition = #-4 %middleCClefPosition = #-4 } { %\override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-count = #7 \clef alto \voiceLute } % lute, tablature {{{3 tablatureLute = \new TabStaff = "tablatureLute" \with { instrumentName = "lute" shortInstrumentName = "lt" % ---- lute family tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format fretLabels = #'("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l") % -- renaissance lute, 6 courses stringTunings = \stringTuning <g, c f a d' g'> % -- renaissance lute, 8 courses %stringTunings = \stringTuning <g, c f a d' g'> %additionalBassStrings = \stringTuning <e, f,> % -- late renaissance / early baroque lute, 10 courses %stringTunings = \stringTuning <g, c f a d' g'> %additionalBassStrings = \stringTuning <c, d, ef, f,> % -- baroque lute, 13 courses %stringTunings = \stringTuning <a, d f a d' f'> %additionalBassStrings = \stringTuning <a,, b,, c, d, e, f, g,> % ---- midi midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef tab \tabFullNotation \tabChordRepeats \voiceLute } % archlute {{{3 staffArchlute = \new Staff = "staffArchlute" \with { instrumentName = "archlute" shortInstrumentName = "arlt" midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { %\override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-count = #7 \clef tenor \voiceArchlute } % archlute, tablature {{{3 tablatureArchlute = \new TabStaff = "tablatureArchlute" \with { instrumentName = "archlute" shortInstrumentName = "arlt" % ---- lute family tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format fretLabels = #'("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l") % -- archlute, 14 courses stringTunings = \stringTuning <g, c f a d' g'> additionalBassStrings = \stringTuning <f,, g,, a,, b,, c, d, e, f,> % ---- midi midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef tab \tabFullNotation \tabChordRepeats \voiceArchlute } % theorbo {{{3 staffTheorbo = \new Staff = "staffTheorbo" \with { instrumentName = "theorbo" shortInstrumentName = "teo" midiInstrument = "acoustic bass" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { %\override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-count = #7 \clef bass \voiceTheorbo } % theorbo, tablature {{{3 tablatureTheorbo = \new TabStaff = "tablatureTheorbo" \with { instrumentName = "theorbo" shortInstrumentName = "teo" % ---- lute family tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format fretLabels = #'("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l") % -- theorbo, 14 courses stringTunings = \stringTuning <a, d g b e a> additionalBassStrings = \stringTuning <g,, a,, b,, c, d, e, f, g,> % ---- midi midiInstrument = "acoustic bass" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef tab \tabFullNotation \tabChordRepeats \voiceTheorbo } % guitar {{{3 staffGuitar = \new Staff = "staffGuitar" \with { instrumentName = "guitar" shortInstrumentName = "gtr" midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (steel)" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 % 3rd line G clef %clefGlyph = #"clefs.G" %clefPosition = #0 %clefTransposition = #0 %middleCPosition = #-4 %middleCClefPosition = #-4 } { %\override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-count = #7 \clef alto \voiceGuitar } % guitar, tablature {{{3 tablatureGuitar = \new TabStaff = "tablatureGuitar" \with { instrumentName = "guitar" shortInstrumentName = "gtr" % ---- guitar stringTunings = \stringTuning <e, a, d g b e'> % ---- midi midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (steel)" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef tab \tabFullNotation \tabChordRepeats \voiceGuitar } % bass guitar {{{3 staffBassGuitar = \new Staff = "staffGuitarLower" \with { instrumentName = \markup \column { bass guitar } shortInstrumentName = "bgtr" midiInstrument = "acoustic bass" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { %\override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-count = #7 \clef subbass \voiceBassGuitar } % bass guitar, tablature {{{3 tablatureBassGuitar = \new TabStaff = "tablatureBassGuitar" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { bass guitar } } shortInstrumentName = "bgtr" % ---- bass guitar stringTunings = \stringTuning <e,, a,, d, g,> % ---- midi midiInstrument = "acoustic bass" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef tab \tabFullNotation \tabChordRepeats \voiceBassGuitar } % sitar {{{3 staffSitar = \new Staff = "staffSitar" \with { instrumentName = "sitar" shortInstrumentName = "sit" midiInstrument = "sitar" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef alto \voiceSitar } % harp {{{3 % upper {{{4 staffHarpUpper = \new Staff = "staffHarpUpper" \with { midiInstrument = "orchestral harp" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble %\clef tenor \voiceHarpUpper } % lower {{{4 staffHarpLower = \new Staff = "staffHarpLower" \with { midiInstrument = "orchestral harp" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass %\clef subbass \voiceHarpLower } % hammered strings {{{2 % dulcimer {{{3 staffDulcimer = \new Staff = "staffDulcimer" \with { instrumentName = "dulcimer" shortInstrumentName = "dul" midiInstrument = "dulcimer" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \voiceDulcimer } % string keyboards {{{2 % viola organista {{{3 % right {{{4 staffViolaOrganistaRight = \new Staff = "staffViolaOrganistaRight" \with { midiInstrument = "violin" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \voiceViolaOrganistaRight } % left {{{4 staffViolaOrganistaLeft = \new Staff = "staffViolaOrganistaLeft" \with { midiInstrument = "cello" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass \voiceViolaOrganistaLeft } % harpsichord {{{3 % right {{{4 staffHarpsichordRight = \new Staff = "staffHarpsichordRight" \with { midiInstrument = "harpsichord" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \voiceHarpsichordRight } % left {{{4 staffHarpsichordLeft = \new Staff = "staffHarpsichordLeft" \with { midiInstrument = "harpsichord" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass \voiceHarpsichordLeft } % pedal harpsichord {{{3 % right {{{4 staffPedalHarpsichordRight = \new Staff = "staffPedalHarpsichordRight" \with { midiInstrument = "harpsichord" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \voicePedalHarpsichordRight } % left {{{4 staffPedalHarpsichordLeft = \new Staff = "staffPedalHarpsichordLeft" \with { midiInstrument = "harpsichord" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { %\clef bass \clef alto \voicePedalHarpsichordLeft } % feet {{{4 staffPedalHarpsichordFeet = \new Staff = "staffPedalHarpsichordFeet" \with { midiInstrument = "harpsichord" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass %\clef subbass \voicePedalHarpsichordFeet } % clavichord {{{3 % right {{{4 staffClavichordRight = \new Staff = "staffClavichordRight" \with { midiInstrument = "clav" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \voiceClavichordRight } % left {{{4 staffClavichordLeft = \new Staff = "staffClavichordLeft" \with { midiInstrument = "clav" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass \voiceClavichordLeft } % piano {{{3 % right {{{4 staffPianoRight = \new Staff = "staffPianoRight" \with { midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble %\showStaffSwitch \voicePianoRight } % left {{{4 staffPianoLeft = \new Staff = "staffPianoLeft" \with { midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass %\showStaffSwitch \voicePianoLeft } % drums {{{2 % glockenspiel {{{3 staffGlockenspiel = \new Staff = "staffGlockenspiel" \with { instrumentName = "glockenspiel" shortInstrumentName = "gloc" midiInstrument = "glockenspiel" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \voiceGlockenspiel } % vibraphone {{{3 % right {{{4 staffVibraphoneRight = \new Staff = "staffVibraphoneRight" \with { midiInstrument = "vibraphone" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \voiceVibraphoneRight } % left {{{4 staffVibraphoneLeft = \new Staff = "staffVibraphoneLeft" \with { midiInstrument = "vibraphone" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass \voiceVibraphoneLeft } % marimba {{{3 % right {{{4 staffMarimbaRight = \new Staff = "staffMarimbaRight" \with { midiInstrument = "marimba" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \voiceMarimbaRight } % left {{{4 staffMarimbaLeft = \new Staff = "staffMarimbaLeft" \with { midiInstrument = "marimba" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass \voiceMarimbaLeft } % tubular bells {{{3 % manual {{{4 staffTubularBellsManual = \new Staff = "staffTubularBellsManual" \with { midiInstrument = "tubular bells" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \voiceTubularBellsManual } % pedal {{{4 staffTubularBellsPedal = \new Staff = "staffTubularBellsPedal" \with { midiInstrument = "tubular bells" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass \voiceTubularBellsPedal } % drumkit {{{3 staffDrumkit = \new DrumStaff \with { instrumentName = "drumkit" shortInstrumentName = "dk" \consists "Instrument_name_engraver" } { \clef percussion \voiceDrumkit } % drums keyboards {{{2 % celesta {{{3 % right {{{4 staffCelestaRight = \new Staff = "staffCelestaRight" \with { midiInstrument = "celesta" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef treble \voiceCelestaRight } % left {{{4 staffCelestaLeft = \new Staff = "staffCelestaLeft" \with { midiInstrument = "celesta" midiMinimumVolume = #1.0 midiMaximumVolume = #2.0 } { \clef bass \voiceCelestaLeft } % groups {{{1 % staff groups, choir staves, grand staves, piano staves % vocal {{{2 % choir quartet {{{3 groupChoirQuartet = \new ChoirStaff << % -- staff 1 : soprano & alto \staffChoirQuartetUpper \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staffChoirQuartetUpper" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirQuartetSoprano" \lyricsChoirQuartetSoprano \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffChoirQuartetUpper" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirQuartetAlto" \lyricsChoirQuartetAlto % -- staff 2 : tenor & bass \staffChoirQuartetLower \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staffChoirQuartetLower" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirQuartetTenor" \lyricsChoirQuartetTenor \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffChoirQuartetLower" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirQuartetBass" \lyricsChoirQuartetBass >> % choir quintet {{{3 groupChoirQuintet = \new ChoirStaff << % -- staff 1 : soprano & mezzo \staffChoirQuintetUpper \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staffChoirQuintetUpper" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirQuintetSoprano" \lyricsChoirQuintetSoprano \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffChoirQuintetUpper" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirQuintetMezzo" \lyricsChoirQuintetMezzo % -- staff 2 : alto \staffChoirQuintetMiddle \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffChoirQuintetMiddle" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirQuintetAlto" \lyricsChoirQuintetAlto % -- staff 3 : tenor & bass \staffChoirQuintetLower \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staffChoirQuintetLower" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirQuintetTenor" \lyricsChoirQuintetTenor \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffChoirQuintetLower" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirQuintetBass" \lyricsChoirQuintetBass >> % choir sextet {{{3 groupChoirSextet = \new ChoirStaff << % -- staff 1 : soprano & mezzo \staffChoirSextetUpper \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staffChoirSextetUpper" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirSextetSoprano" \lyricsChoirSextetSoprano \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffChoirSextetUpper" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirSextetMezzo" \lyricsChoirSextetMezzo % -- staff 2 : alto & tenor \staffChoirSextetMiddle \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staffChoirSextetMiddle" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirSextetAlto" \lyricsChoirSextetAlto \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffChoirSextetMiddle" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirSextetTenor" \lyricsChoirSextetTenor % -- staff 3 : barytone & bass \staffChoirSextetLower \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staffChoirSextetLower" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirSextetBarytone" \lyricsChoirSextetBarytone \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffChoirSextetLower" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirSextetBass" \lyricsChoirSextetBass >> % choir septet {{{3 groupChoirSeptet = \new ChoirStaff << % -- staff 1 : soprano & mezzo \staffChoirSeptetSopranoMezzo \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staffChoirSeptetSopranoMezzo" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirSeptetSoprano" \lyricsChoirSeptetSoprano \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffChoirSeptetSopranoMezzo" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirSeptetMezzo" \lyricsChoirSeptetMezzo % -- staff 2 : alto & counter \staffChoirSeptetAltoCounter \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staffChoirSeptetAltoCounter" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirSeptetAlto" \lyricsChoirSeptetAlto \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffChoirSeptetAltoCounter" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirSeptetCounter" \lyricsChoirSeptetCounter % -- staff 3 : tenor & barytone \staffChoirSeptetTenorBarytone \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staffChoirSeptetTenorBarytone" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirSeptetTenor" \lyricsChoirSeptetTenor \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffChoirSeptetTenorBarytone" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirSeptetBarytone" \lyricsChoirSeptetBarytone % -- staff 4 : bass \staffChoirSeptetBass \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "staffChoirSeptetBass" } \lyricsto "voiceChoirSeptetBass" \lyricsChoirSeptetBass >> % woodwinds {{{2 % woodwind quartet {{{3 groupWoodwindQuartet = \new StaffGroup << \staffWoodwindQuartetUpper \staffWoodwindQuartetLower >> % woodwind quintet {{{3 groupWoodwindQuintet = \new StaffGroup << \staffWoodwindQuintetUpper \staffWoodwindQuintetMiddle \staffWoodwindQuintetLower >> % woodwind sextet {{{3 groupWoodwindSextet = \new StaffGroup << \staffWoodwindSextetUpper \staffWoodwindSextetMiddle \staffWoodwindSextetLower >> % saxophone quartet {{{3 groupSaxophoneQuartet = \new StaffGroup \with { instrumentName = \markup \column { saxo- phones } shortInstrumentName = "sax" } << \staffSaxophoneQuartetUpper \staffSaxophoneQuartetLower >> % brass {{{2 % brass quartet {{{3 groupBrassQuartet = \new StaffGroup << \staffBrassQuartetUpper \staffBrassQuartetLower >> % brass quintet {{{3 groupBrassQuintet = \new StaffGroup << \staffBrassQuintetUpper \staffBrassQuintetMiddle \staffBrassQuintetLower >> % wind keyboards {{{2 % manual organ {{{3 groupManualOrgan = \new GrandStaff \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { manual organ } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { man org } } connectArpeggios = ##t } << \staffManualOrganRight \staffManualOrganLeft >> % pedal organ {{{3 groupPedalOrgan = \new GrandStaff \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { pedal organ } } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { ped org } } connectArpeggios = ##t } << \staffPedalOrganRight \staffPedalOrganLeft \staffPedalOrganFeet >> % accordion {{{3 groupAccordion = \new GrandStaff \with { instrumentName = "accordion" shortInstrumentName = "acc" } << \staffAccordionRight \staffAccordionLeft >> % concertina {{{3 groupConcertina = \new GrandStaff \with { instrumentName = "concertina" shortInstrumentName = "conc" } << \staffConcertinaRight \staffConcertinaLeft >> % bowed strings {{{2 % string quartet {{{3 groupStringQuartet = \new StaffGroup << \staffStringQuartetUpper \staffStringQuartetLower >> % string quartet, symmetric {{{3 groupStringQuartetSymmetric = \new StaffGroup << \staffStringQuartetSymmetricUpper \staffStringQuartetSymmetricLower >> % string quartet with contrabass {{{3 groupStringQuartetContrabass = \new StaffGroup << \staffStringQuartetContrabassUpper \staffStringQuartetContrabassLower >> % string quintet {{{3 groupStringQuintet = \new StaffGroup << \staffStringQuintetUpper \staffStringQuintetMiddle \staffStringQuintetLower >> % string quintet, symmetric {{{3 groupStringQuintetSymmetric = \new StaffGroup << \staffStringQuintetSymmetricUpper \staffStringQuintetSymmetricMiddle \staffStringQuintetSymmetricLower >> % string quintet with contrabass {{{3 groupStringQuintetContrabass = \new StaffGroup << \staffStringQuintetContrabassUpper \staffStringQuintetContrabassMiddle \staffStringQuintetContrabassLower >> % string sextet {{{3 groupStringSextet = \new StaffGroup << \staffStringSextetUpper \staffStringSextetMiddle \staffStringSextetLower >> % string septet {{{3 groupStringSeptet = \new StaffGroup << \staffStringSeptetViolins \staffStringSeptetViolas \staffStringSeptetCellos \staffStringSeptetContrabass >> % plucked strings {{{2 % harp {{{3 groupHarp = \new GrandStaff \with { instrumentName = "harp" shortInstrumentName = "hp" connectArpeggios = ##t } << \staffHarpUpper \staffHarpLower >> % hammered strings {{{2 % string keyboards {{{2 % viola organista {{{3 groupViolaOrganista = \new GrandStaff \with { instrumentName = \markup \column { viola orga- nista } shortInstrumentName = \markup \column { vla org } connectArpeggios = ##t } << \staffViolaOrganistaRight \staffViolaOrganistaLeft >> % harpsichord {{{3 groupHarpsichord = \new GrandStaff \with { instrumentName = \markup \column { harpsi- chord } shortInstrumentName = \markup \column { hp cd } connectArpeggios = ##t } << \staffHarpsichordRight \staffHarpsichordLeft >> % pedal harpsichord {{{3 groupPedalHarpsichord = \new GrandStaff \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { pedal harpsi- chord } } shortInstrumentName = \markup \column { ped hp cd } connectArpeggios = ##t } << \staffPedalHarpsichordRight \staffPedalHarpsichordLeft \staffPedalHarpsichordFeet >> % clavichord {{{3 groupClavichord = \new GrandStaff \with { instrumentName = \markup \column { clavi- chord } shortInstrumentName = \markup \column { cl cd } connectArpeggios = ##t } << \staffClavichordRight \staffClavichordLeft >> % piano {{{3 groupPiano = \new GrandStaff \with { instrumentName = "piano" shortInstrumentName = "pn" connectArpeggios = ##t } << \staffPianoRight \staffPianoLeft >> % drums {{{2 % vibraphone {{{3 groupVibraphone = \new GrandStaff \with { instrumentName = "vibraphone" shortInstrumentName = "vb" connectArpeggios = ##t } << \staffVibraphoneRight \staffVibraphoneLeft >> % marimba {{{3 groupMarimba = \new GrandStaff \with { instrumentName = "marimba" shortInstrumentName = "mar" connectArpeggios = ##t } << \staffMarimbaRight \staffMarimbaLeft >> % tubular bells {{{3 groupTubularBells = \new GrandStaff \with { instrumentName = \markup \column { tubular bells } shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { tub bel } } connectArpeggios = ##t } << \staffTubularBellsManual \staffTubularBellsPedal >> % drums keyboards {{{2 % celesta {{{3 groupCelesta = \new GrandStaff \with { instrumentName = "celesta" shortInstrumentName = "cel" connectArpeggios = ##t } << \staffCelestaRight \staffCelestaLeft >> % book {{{1 \book { % text before the score {{{2 %\markup \column { %\vspace #1 %\line { woodwinds = flute, oboe, english horn, bassoon } %\line { saxophones = soprano, alto, tenor, baritone sax } %\vspace #1 %} % score {{{2 \score { % instruments {{{3 % -- as single & group staves % -- comment or uncomment instruments and groups as needed << % vocal {{{4 %\staffLyricsVocalSoprano %\staffLyricsVocalMezzo %\staffLyricsVocalAlto %\staffLyricsVocalCounter %\staffLyricsVocalTenor %\staffLyricsVocalBarytone %\staffLyricsVocalBass %\groupChoirQuartet %\groupChoirQuintet %\groupChoirSextet %\groupChoirSeptet % woodwinds {{{4 %\staffPiccolos %\staffFlutes %\staffOboes %\staffClarinets %\staffEnglishHorns %\staffBassoons %\staffSopranoSaxophones %\staffAltoSaxophones %\staffTenorSaxophones %\staffBarytoneSaxophones %\staffBagpipe %\groupWoodwindQuartet %\groupWoodwindQuintet %\groupWoodwindSextet %\groupSaxophoneQuartet % free reeds {{{4 %\staffHarmonica % brass {{{4 %\staffTrumpets %\staffFrenchHorns %\staffTrombones %\staffTubas %\groupBrassQuartet %\groupBrassQuintet % wind keyboards {{{4 %\groupManualOrgan %\groupPedalOrgan %\groupAccordion %\groupConcertina % bowed strings {{{4 %\staffViolins %\staffViolas %\staffCellos %\staffContrabasses %\groupStringQuartet %\groupStringQuartetSymmetric %\groupStringQuartetContrabass %\groupStringQuintet %\groupStringQuintetSymmetric %\groupStringQuintetContrabass \groupStringSextet %\groupStringSeptet % plucked strings {{{4 %\staffLute %\tablatureLute %\staffArchlute %\tablatureArchlute %\staffTheorbo %\tablatureTheorbo %\staffGuitar %\tablatureGuitar %\staffBassGuitar %\tablatureBassGuitar %\staffSitar %\groupHarp % hammered strings {{{4 %\staffDulcimer % string keyboards {{{4 %\groupViolaOrganista %\groupHarpsichord %\groupPedalHarpsichord %\groupClavichord %\groupPiano % drums {{{4 %\staffGlockenspiel %\groupVibraphone %\groupMarimba %\groupTubularBells %\staffDrumkit % drums keyboards {{{4 %\groupCelesta % end of instruments and groups {{{4 >> % layout, see beginning of file {{{3 \layout { } % midi {{{3 \midi { % polymeter {{{4 \context { \Score %\enablePolymeter } % one midi channel per voice or staff {{{4 % -- comment this if you don't need distinct instruments on the same staff % -- it will save midi channels (max 16 are available) % \context { % \Staff % \remove "Staff_performer" % } % \context { % \Voice % \consists "Staff_performer" % } % end score {{{3 } } % paper {{{2 \paper { system-separator-markup = \slashSeparator } % end book {{{2 }